We are pleased that you have joined this Foundation as an independent donor. You are in the process of embarking on an exciting journey with Opening Doors To Life, and we look forward to having a long-lasting relationship with you.
The Foundation has created these Policies and Procedures to assist us in successfully supporting your donations. These Policies and Procedures apply to all donors operating within the United States and abroad. Here, you will find important requirements and guidance to help you initiate, operate, and enhance your independent donations.
These Policies and Procedures also incorporate the Entity Requirements from any country worldwide, as well as any supplementary policies that Opening Doors To Life may publish from time to time. In order to fully understand your rights and obligations as a champion in donations, you should also read the Foundation's Terms and Conditions. Together, these documents form a binding contract between you and Opening Doors To Life.
We will update these Policies and Procedures periodically and provide notice of updates in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. However, all donors should regularly check the current version of these Policies and Procedures in the virtual office. Definitions of terms used in these Policies can be found there. If you have any questions about the Foundation, please contact the customer service department at TEL: 407-223-4653.
Opening Doors To Life conducts its operations daily, guided by the core values established by our co-founders. We believe that by doing so, the Foundation can provide the best possible experiences to clients alike. We also expect you to embrace these core values.
We believe that doing so will enable you to be more successful in achieving your goals, both within the Foundation's opportunity and in other aspects of your life.
1. Integrity, Trust, and Respect: The Foundation's leaders are committed to success through the integrity and seriousness of the Foundation.
4. Third-Party Claims: You must inform Opening Doors To Life administrators in writing of any specific complaint or claim, or threat of a claim or lawsuit filed against you or your line of donors.
The Foundation provides gifts to communities, and as an independent donor, your role is to support the Foundation. You should promptly report to administrators if you do not receive what was agreed upon before taking direct action as it could potentially harm you or your line of donors. You may take necessary actions, including but not limited to, overseeing litigation or discussions regarding out-of-court settlements, to protect the Foundation, its reputation, and tangible assets.
You agree to cooperate in good faith with the Foundation in investigating and responding to these complaints, claims, or lawsuits. YES OR NO